Workshop: Meditation in October

Meditation “Auto Exploration, Openness and Creativity”

Saturday 21st of October from 12:00 to 14:00.

Clementine have imagined this workshop like an introduction to Meditation. Meditation is a state, a magical state and very powerful. To be able to enjoy it, one must be ready to work and be patient. I will in this workshop, introduce you to the best conditions and give you some helpful tools to help with your practice. We will practice a few different short or longer meditations and share our experiences.
We will talk about some limitations or blockages that might occurs when you practice.

Auto Exploration to decide to make changes and let them happen, being ready to listen, Openness to be able to go beyond the expectations and limitations and finally we might have access to our spontaneous Creativity. Freshness, clarity of the mind, Inspiration, warmth, sensitivity of the senses, are you ready for it?

Join Clementine for two hours of Workshop at Yoga4Alle Saturday 21st. of October from 12:00 to 14:00. Book your space ahead!

Pris for kurset, reservasjon og betaling

Book your seat through mail and confirm it by paying your price, see below, using Vipps nr. 69 69 50 (Yoga4Alle).

  • kr. 575,- Ordinær pris
  • kr. 515,- Rabattert pris for kunder med klippekort
  • kr. 455,- Rabattert pris for kunder med medlemskap i Yoga4Alle

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