Olga presenterer ny tirsdags-time!

Yogalates – Pilates Yoga Fusion

Yogalates was created in 1997 by the instructor and personal trainer Jonathan Urla. It is a mixture of Pilates and yoga that blends the best of both worlds by balancing strength and flexibility work. You will get a workout that increases core strength and improves posture, whilst increasing flexibility and reducing stiffness.

Yogalates sessions start as a traditional yoga session; with warm-ups and stretching of joints, short meditation, breathing exercises and begin to change when the movements gradually increase to more Pilates pace.

This practice concentrates strength in the middle (abdominal area, buttocks and lower back). Health and well-being is my passion and I am here to share my journey into Yoga, Fitness and mindfulness with you.

Timen undervises på engelsk, salen holder 32 grader, og du kan booke plss i StudioBookings.
